PASkong Handog mula sa Puso: The Heart of Mary Villa Orphanage

Thursday, January 31, 2019

 The Phi Alpha Sigma Sorority would like to express our deepest gratitude to all those who donated and supported the Christmas outreach, "PASkong Handog mula sa Puso", held last Nov. 30, 2018 at The Heart of Mary Villa Orphanage.
With the money donations as well as in-kind from numerous students, faculty and alumni, we were able to donate diapers, formula milk, bath soap, moisturizing cream, vitamins and medicines, clothes, baby wipes, tissue, nebulizer, maternity napkin and hygiene kit for the babies, toddlers and mothers in the orphanage.
Thank you so much for partnering with us in making this outreach possible and sharing the blessings this season of giving💛
We wish you a joyous Christmas and may God bless you🎄🎇

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