Grand Alphan Orientation 2021

Monday, February 7, 2022

 Grand Alphan Orientation 2021

Another year means another wonderful set of people who can potentially join our wonderful family. Last August 20, the Phi Alpha Sigma Sorority together with the Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity, from 5:30 onwards, have oriented interested schoolmates about the sorority and fraternity. 

For this orientation, we have invited our amazing alumni: Sis Zashka Gomez, Sis Anna Hamada, Sis Ruth Faye Sengson. They shared how the sorority helped and inspired them both inside med school and outside in their professional practices. We appreciate the time you have taken for us despite your busy schedules, sisses! And thank you also to our other alumni for gracing us with their presence. 

We hope that the attendees felt the passion and love we have for our work and each other. Hopefully, you find the perfect family in us. See you soon!

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