Turnover of donations

Saturday, February 5, 2022

The Phi Alpha Sigma Sorority held its annual fund-raising event, Lantern Queen 2019, last January and the proceeds from the votes for People's Choice Award were used to purchase medical supplies and equipment for our chosen charity wards at the UERM Hospital namely, Department of Opthalmology, Medicine Ward, and Pediatrics Ward. Together with our Lantern Queen 2019 Gianne Catarroja, and 1st runner up Niecholle Rocco, we distributed the medical supplies to the different beneficiaries of this event.

We thank all the candidates who joined the event. All the classmates, families, and friends who supported and voted for their favorite candidates. The school administration and staff for supporting this event every year. And of course our dearest brothers from the Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity for always having our back. This would not have been possible without all your help.

Also, we would like to take this opportunity to congratulate again, the winners of this year’s pageant, our Lantern QueenGianna Catarroja (2021A) and Lantern King Tim Mejia of 2022B.

Again thank you and congratulations to our queens and kings!

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